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19. December 2023

How to create GCode with CorelDraw CNC Plugin

Note: CorelDraw cannot generate G-Code by default. The CamDRAW plug-in provides a solution. This is automatically integrated into the Corel interface after installation and you can use it to immediately generate G-Code from your vector drawings. This article explains how to generate G-Code with the CorelDRAW plugin using an example.


After installing the CorelDraw CNC plugin, you can get started immediately. When CamDraw is started for the first time, the default setting "Default XYZ" is automatically loaded in profile 1. "Default XYZ" is the standard setting for CNC machines with 3 axes (XYZ).


The workflow of G-Code generation is always from up to down of the plugin. You have the choose to create a new CorelDraw document or open a already exists document. Also you can simply select a profile and enter workpiece dimensions. The application then creates a new CorelDraw document, if no document is open.


(1) Select profile

Firstly, the profile must be selected. The application then loads the settings from the preset file.


(2) Setting up workpiece data

Enter the workpiece data. For example the dimension or XY zeropoint. You can align the zero point to one of the corner or in the center of the workpiece.

workpiece data CorelDraw CNC Plugin

(3) Add your drawing objects or import a CorelDraw drawing

Drawing in CorelDraw - CNC Plugin

(4) Add toolpaths in menu "TOOLPATHS"

First select the drawing object for which you want to create toolpaths. You can also select several drawing objects at the same time. Then click on a machining type. For example, "Contour milling". A new window opens in which you can define the machining.

contour milling engraving cutting coreldraw

(5) Create machining operation

After clicking on Contour milling the following window opens. Here all settings of the operation can be set. Always select a tool from the tool library at the beginning. All tool data are automatically taken over for the current operation (e.g. cutting data, feeds, diameters).

Then you can set whether the toolpath should be inside, outside or in the center of the selected contours.

In this example we select center. Then enter your desired parameters under Machining parameters (safety height, depth, etc.). At the end, you can still set the desired curve precision. Once all the entries have been made, press OK or the Enter key on the keyboard. The tool operation is created.

Contour milling operation in coreldraw cnc cutting plugin
CorelDraw CNC / Cutting Plugin

(6) Create G-Code

Once all the desired toolpaths have been added, you can create the CNC program (G-code). You will find the button in the "NC Program" menu. Simply press the button labeled "G1/G2". The plugin will now generate the G-Code. After completion, the NC program is rendered and visualized in three dimensions. Here you can check very quickly if all settings are ok. Here you also have the option to save the G-Code file or to open it for viewing.

CorelDraw G-Code Plugin
cnc cutting corel draw plugin
3d animation coreldraw to gcode
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